Hello and welcome to Bored of Dating Apps! We couldn’t be happier to have you here and be part of your journey to finding love.

Founded by Jess Evans over two years ago, Bored of Dating Apps has been on a mission to help singles who are tired of swiping find love through amazing events across the UK. After experiencing being heartbroken herself and becoming exhausted from trying different dating apps, Jess decided that a return to old-fashioned dating was needed. We’ve been called ‘the start of something special’ by BBC Sounds and one of ‘the hottest dating trends for 2024′ by Cosmopolitan UK. If you’re over hook-up culture we’re here for you, working with our incredible collaborators and partners to bring back the human connection and fun to dating again.

Over the last two years, we have hosted various events, from yoga retreats, quiz nights, dances, hikes, and drinks socials, as well as our recent new addition of sober socials, mixing up the dating scene. BODA primarily organises singles socials for individuals in their 20s and 30s, sometimes adding occasional events for different age groups. We only ask that the singles who attend our socials always treat people with kindness; we have a no-ghosting policy. We believe in being open and honest.

Now, whilst BODA was founded with the intention of changing dating culture and looking after your mental health in dating, what it has become has surpassed all our expectations. Over the last two years, we have been a part of singles falling unapologetically in love, starting new relationships, moving in together, friendships being made, planned girls’ trips, eleven proposals, weddings on the way, and a BODA baby! Now you know by now how much we love, love; but the messages that really melts our hearts are the ones explaining how people who say that BODA has changed their life because they’re not lonely anymore. Being single can be the loneliest time; as you watch your friends fall away in love, you know you’re still friends; they’re still there for you, but it’s not the same. It’s so important to have single friend to do life with, someone to drag to that singes event you’re thinking about.

We can’t thank everyone enough who has been and continues to be a part of our journey.